Music & Media

A Digital 45 Album

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This pairing of tracks is a celebration of Light and Life through the powerful vibration of Sanskrit mantra. Gayatri is a song based on the one of the oldest Sanskrit mantra, which is dedicated to the light of the Sun. Jagatambe praises the divine feminine as manifested by the fierce devi Durga. Click below to listen.

  Liner Notes

Kirtan Clip from Quebec City

Winter Song
Cello & Loop Pedal

Busking Clip
At the East 72nd St. Station, NYC

Tibetan Devi of Compassion

The Tara of Buddhism is an inspiration of compassion and loving kindness. There are 21 aspects of her in Buddhism: The Green Tara is known for her protective qualities, and the White Tara for longevity. In some sects of Hinduism, Tara is worshipped as one of the ten wisdom goddesses, the Mahavidya. This aspect is more wrathful as she embodies the power of protection. Tara has also been empowering figure in spirituality for women. In one story, Tara was working her way to enlightenment and had gotten quite far in her process. A fellow aspirant suggested that she be reborn is a man to finally achieve enlightenment. She refused to do so, retorting that gender has no bearing on spiritual development.

Evening Prayer

A beautiful prayer for the end of the day.


Another version of the Tara mantra.


The Hare Krishna mantra.

Busking Clip
near the Oculus, NYC

Playing my version of Black Orpheus. My big, bad habit is tapping my foot completely out of sync with the tempo, completely exposed in this clip.

Cello & Loop Pedal

Clip from a Sound Journey in NYC

Paragon of Service & Devotion

This is a story song about Hanuman, the monkey-faced hero of the Ramayana. He is a unique figure among the Hindu Pantheon as he inspires us to be in service of others.

Cello Piece